Why we should meditate/exercise every day
What is Pranic Healing? According to Health Write For Us, Mental Health Write For Us, and Health Guest Post, it is a mix of Rainbow Reiki, Shamballa Reiki, Morning Meditation, and Soul Healing make up for Pranic Healing.

Meditation and Exercise both help to improve health at all levels, including your physical, psychological and emotional well- being. It makes a person healthy, fit and brings Mental peace.
Regular Moderate activity helps you to maintain overall vitality, manage your weight and keep stress levels low. Meditation techniques improve focus and also lowers stress.
More than anything, meditation focuses your attention and energy. Meditation can help you get the most out of your workout, so you're less likely to get bored or experience an injury. It also allows you to stay motivated for exercise and inspires you to be as effective as possible with each workout.
Regular exercise and meditation are both proven to be mood boosters, but done together, they're extra effective at combating depression.
It’s still not clear exactly how mental and physical training dampens depressive symptoms, but it likely comes back to brain-cell development, a process called neurogenesis. As the researchers write in their paper, depression, as well as stressful life events, hinders neurogenesis, while therapies like SSRI drugs promote it, thereby relieving depression symptoms.
Practicing a simple meditation before you begin your exercise is a beneficial way to stretch your muscles with focus and control. It is natural for your mind to drift while you are meditating but, through practice, you can guide it back to your intention of the moment.
Begin by sitting up straight, taking deep abdominal breaths, slowly exhaling, closing your eyes and concentrating on the muscles you are planning to exercise. Continue for five minutes, and focus on your breathing and the target muscle while stretching and relaxing.
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