Cyber Bullying

Cyber Bullying is one of the term used or heard mostly by the youths nowadays !
Why mostly Youths? Maybe because they are the one who become Victims of Cyber bullying more then Elderly people!
Why majorly Youths become Victims? Maybe because they are the one who are more socially active and they can easily get trapped into such things!
 Do you find your child or friend seems more addicted to cellphone or laptop? Do you find them less socialize and refuses to meet people? Maybe these changes are not noticed often! But may or may not be possible they are facing Cyber bullying and you are Unaware of it!

Cyber Bullying can happen anywhere at any place on internet like Social Media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc. People mostly Students can receive abusive texts, rude messages and many such things that can harass them emotionally and mentally. 

Cyber Bullying can have a psychological effect on persons health. The person who is the victim don't know when and where to expect an attack. Because the attacker is anonymous and we cant predict who actually that person is! Maybe he is around or maybe keeping an eye on the victim. The result of cyber bulling is often serious and may lead to depression and even suicide!

How to prevent Cyber Bullying?
  1. Just Observe the behavior of the person you think is behaving abnormal. Try to find out the reason behind the change in behavior.
  2. Try to make a conversation with that person and try to make him comfortable and understand what is happening.
  3. Just go through their online activity and make sure they are not sounding dull and receiving harmful comments.
  4. Report if you find something offensive on internet.
  5. If you are sure about it then file a complain at Cyber Crime Cell.
These are some of the measures you can take to prevent Cyber Bulling!


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