Friendship Vs Dating: What’s Better?
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For singles, there’s a lot of pressure these days to find a partner and fall in love — which equates to a lot of pressure to search for that person through dating.
Whether it comes from society’s standards, well-meaning friends, or our own desires, there are quite a few voices out there telling singles to do a lot of dating, because one of those dates could end up being that one special someone.
Of course, there’s nothing wrong with dating and meeting new people. In fact, spending time with people and getting to know them is completely good and healthy. But sometimes I wonder if we’ve been doing it with the wrong mindset.
Friendship is the first thing you need and very important when it comes to developing a relationship. Being friends gives you the opportunity to get to know the person for who he is and gives you the opportunity to learn things about him that you would not have learned otherwise. When you jump into a relationship without being friends first, all types of issues and challenges occur, and you begin to expect more from the person and sometimes set unrealistic expectations. By putting friendship before relationship, you can easily decide whether he is the perfect one to date or not as there will be no pretensions and a more open space to talk about things that matter.
where is the boundary between friendship and love? Actually, I think that the higher kind of philia that is based partly or wholly on virtue has a much stronger claim to the name of love than eros, not least because eros is much more selfish and objectifying.
Friendship is not different from love, but the best kind of love.
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