Helloooo People!
    I am Mahima Patidar, a simple yet Complicated girl born and raised in Mhow (Indore).I have done my schooling from a very strict and disciplined Convent School. Then I chose my Career path towards Commerce and now I am pursuing my MBA from a decent college.

  Being the only child and having a nuclear family I was always pampered a lot. Maybe that is the reason that i am such an Introvert and don't like interacting with new people.
I just have few people in my life including some friends and my parents to whom I call my close ones!

I am an over-thinker, like I can actually think of the worst situation that can ever happen with me And even to the best thing that can happen with me and that's a good thing to some extend.
I rarely share my thoughts with anyone or you can say I like keeping secrets! I know that's bad but this is how I am Least Expressive!!

Apart from being an over-thinker and introvert there is another side of me which is Sweet, Jolly, Cheerful and Bold who loves adventure and doing Crazy Random Stuffs.

So, talking about my Career as I earlier told you I am pursuing MBA. Which I now think is not what I actually want to do! But now as I have taken a step towards MBA so looking forward for something good in it!

You might have heard about the saying " Jack of all traits and master of none" which means a person is good in all skills but is not perfect at one single skill. That's what is happening with me I have interests in many things but I am not a pro at a single thing. Which make it difficult for me to choose what I really should do! I always wanted to be a Dancer, a Model , a Sketch artist or a Traveler.
But here I am pursuing something i never want to! I know that sounds stupid But I always believe in one thing that " Everything happens for a Reason" Maybe there is something waiting for me after this!

I always imagine myself having a Good Job , a Settled Life ( Somewhere abroad) and travelling the world with my loved ones after 8 to 10 years from now which I call as a long term Goal of my life!

I just hope that everything goes well the way I want and achieve everything I dreamed of!

This is How i look!

That's all about Me hope you like it!



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