Top 10 Interior Designing Trends in 2020
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With the real estate market still in a slump, more and more people have decided not to sell their home. Instead, they have chosen to stay put, until things get better.
Many home improvement projects don’t add value to your home, especially in a down market. In fact, some improvements can even detract from the asking price when you decide to sell. On the other hand, some projects can add significant value to your home.
So which home improvement projects should you invest in, and which projects should you avoid? Below are some helpful tips for home improvement projects that increase the value of your home, and home improvement projects to avoid altogether.
Some home improvement projects that add value to a home include:
1. Remodeling the Kitchen
Most people consider the kitchen to be the heart of the home, and because of this, updates in this room pay off.You should never make your kitchen fancier than the rest of the house, or the neighborhood.
2. Bathroom Addition
When it comes to finding room in your house for an extra bathroom, take a look at any extra rooms or underutilized spaces. Consider other spaces, such as closets or areas under the stairs, too. If you want a half-bath you need at least 18 square feet. If you want a full bath, including a stand-up shower, you need at least 30 square feet. If you want a bathtub, make sure you have at least 35 square feet to work with for a bathroom addition.
3. Energy-Efficient Insulation
If your home lacks basic insulation, and has old doors that let in plenty of hot and cold air, home inspectors working with potential buyers will include this in their reports. Homes that haven’t been modified with energy efficiency in mind cost more to live in and maintain.
4. Adding Energy-Efficient Windows
These days, buyers shop for homes with energy efficiency in mind. Old, drafty single-pane windows are a major turn off. If the new windows save you several hundred dollars a year, and you recoup a tax credit, you can eventually recoup your investment.
you have many options for home improvement projects that add value to your home.
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